Wednesday, August 28, 2013


You will find these tips helpful during your periods:

1. Have enough rest

2. Do mild exercises. Keep yourself active daily.

3. Take lots of fluids including fruit juce, soup, water.

4. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

5. Wear comfortable loose fitting, clean clothes.

6. Panties must be cotton made.

7. Always wash you hands before and after changing pads, tampons or cups. This is to prevent infections

8. Take a warm shower in the day.

9. Change pads every 3 or 4 hours

10. Using a pad for longer periods can result in Toxic Shock Syndrome, a condition caused by bacteria.

11. Do not flush used pads in toilets sinks. Keep them in covered dumps.

12. Pains and cramps are normal characteristics of menstruation. Do not be too bothered.

13. Menstruation is a normal, natural phenomenon. Have no shame, whatsoever about it.

14. Seek medical care if you have menstrual irregularities.

15. What is more improtant is to stay calm and live a stres-free life.
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9 Simple Ways to Prevent Cancer

1. Stop smoking. If you smoke, quit. If you don't smoke, don't start. Smoking is linked to several types of cancer — not just lung cancer. Stopping now will reduce your risk of cancer in the future.
2. Avoid excessive sun exposure. Harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can increase your risk of skin cancer. Limit your sun exposure by sta
ying in the shade, wearing protective clothing or applying sunscreen.
3. Eat a healthy diet. Choose a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Select whole grains and lean proteins.
4. Exercise most days of the week. Regular exercise is linked to a 5. lower risk of cancer. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. If you haven't been exercising regularly, start out slowly and work your way up to 30 minutes or longer.
6. Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese may increase your risk of cancer. Work to achieve and maintain a healthy weight through a combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise.
7. Drink alcohol in moderation, if you choose to drink. If you choose to drink alcohol, limit yourself to one drink a day if you're a woman or two drinks a day if you're a man.
8. Schedule cancer screening exams. Talk to your doctor about what types of cancer screening exams are best for you based on your risk factors.
9. Ask your doctor about immunizations. Certain viruses increase your risk of cancer. Immunizations may help prevent those viruses, including hepatitis B, which increases the risk of liver cancer, and human papillomavirus (HPV), which increases the risk of cervical cancer and other cancers. Ask your doctor whether immunization against these viruses is appropriate for you.
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Russell-Silver syndrome

Russell-Silver syndrome

Russell-Silver syndrome is a growth disorder characterized by slow growth before and after birth. Babies with this condition have a low birth weight and often fail to grow and gain weight at the expected rate (failure to thrive). Head growth is normal, however, so the head may appear unusually large compared to the rest of the body. Affected children are thin and have poor appetites, and some develop low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) as a result of feeding difficulties. Adults with Russell-Silver syndrome are short; the average height for affected males is about 151 centimeters (4 feet, 11 inches) and the average height for affected females is about 140 centimeters (4 feet, 7 inches).
Many children with Russell-Silver syndrome have a small, triangular face with distinctive facial features including a prominent forehead, a narrow chin, a small jaw, and down-turned corners of the mouth. Other features of this disorder can include an unusual curving of the fifth finger (clinodactyly), asymmetric or uneven growth of some parts of the body, and digestive system abnormalities. Russell-Silver syndrome is also associated with an increased risk of delayed development and learning disabilities.
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8 Tips for Clear Skin


1. Wash your face at least twice each day, using a
pure soap such as Ivory, and clean water. Hot
water opens pores, so wash with hot water. Cold
water closes pores, so splash your face with cold
water after washing to ensure that your pores are
protected from the environment. Splash with cold water before applying makeup as well.

2. Reduce the use of cosmetics as much as possible.
These clog pores. If you must wear makeup, make
sure that you are using hypoallergenic products, or
products for sensitive skin. Splash your face with
cold water before applying, and make sure you
wash all the makeup away before going to bed.

3. Keep you hair and hands off your face. Hair and
hands contain oils that can cause acne breakouts.
When applying creams or makeup to the face, use
applicators - not your hands. Don't lean with your
hands on your face either. Keep your hair pulled
back off your face.

4. Hydrate the body - and the skin - with water.
Hydrated skin is healthy skin. Water helps to
detoxify our bodies, and our skin, ridding us of
elements that make us ill, as well as elements that
can cause acne.

5. Eat a well balanced diet, and make sure that you
include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits
and vegetables contain quite a bit of natural
vitamin A and vitamin E, which is essential to good
skin care.

6. Don't avoid the sun altogether, because that isn't
healthy, but limit your time in the sun, and use a
good sunscreen. Overexposure to the sun, or
ultraviolet rays, can not only cause acne, but it can
cause skin to age quickly. It can also cause skin
cancer. Make sure you wash the sunscreen off when you come in from the sun to avoid getting
clogged pores.

7. Don't squeeze pimples, or pick at any sores. This
can cause the spread of acne, and it can leave scars
as well. Instead, treat the pimples and sores with
topical ointments and creams, keeping your hands
off of them. Use cotton balls or q-tips to apply
ointments and creams.

8.Stress is bad for the skin. Just as good hormones
and chemicals are produced and released when
we sleep, bad hormones and chemicals are
produced when we are stressed. Avoid stress as
much as possible, and learn to do deep breathing
exercises, or other stress reducing techniques, for those times when you are stressed.
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a) Vitamins:
Pimples have been known to positively react to the addition of niacin (100 mg; three times per day), and vitamin A to a diet. 400 mg of vitamin E taken once per day also works wonders.

b) Fenugreek:
A useful paste can be created from the leaves of this vegetable, which is then applied to the face before you retire each night. At the start of the morning, the paste should be washed off using warm water. Pimples, especially blackheads are treated with this home remedy.

c) Orange Peel:
When orange peels are pounded and combined with water, an effective home treatment for pimples is created. Apply to affected areas and watch the results.

d) Lemon:
Apply lemon juice to pimples to reduce their size and intensity.

e) Garlic:
If you rub raw garlic on problem areas several times a day, you can clear up skin. You may also eat three seeds of raw garlic once daily for a month to see results. The garlic seeds purify the blood, which aids in keeping pimples at bay.

f) Coriander and Mint Juice:
A helpful herbal remedy for pimples includes the mixing of one teaspoon of coriander juice, combined with a pinch of turmeric powder. Every night, after thoroughly washing the face, apply the juice for an effective home remedy. Mint juice may also replace the coriander for this home treatment for pimples.

g) Hot Epsom Salts Bath:
It is believed that a hot Epsom salts bath taken two times per week will ease all cases of acne .

h) Cucumber:
Try applying grated cucumber over the face, neck, and eyes for the treatment of pimples and blackheads. This process should only take 15-20 minutes of your time.

When you are looking for skin care measures that could prevent pimples, you might want to:

a) Practice Clean Skin Habits:
Keeping the skin well cleansed will deter the formation of pimples. Using a mild cleanser at the start of your day, in the evening, and before bed is recommended. Avoid scrubbing your skin, which has the potential to make matters worse.

b) Keep Your Hands Off:
Touching your skin passes extra dirt, oil, bacteria, and grime that can trigger acne and other skin irritations. Also, if you see a pimple start to form, you should refrain from squeezing, pinching, or picking.

c) Shave With Caution:
The way you shave can also irritate the skin to provoke pimples to form. Depending on your skin sensitivity, you may have to find a balance between electric and safety razors.

d) Read All Skin Care Labels:
When purchasing skin care products, you should be on the lookout for words, such as “oil-free,” “greaseless,” “hypoallergenic,” and “noncomedogenic”
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7 Home Remedies for Toothache

Many people believe that placing an aspirin on the gum of the affected tooth is a good way to relieve tooth pain.

When crushed or finely chopped two chemicals in the garlic join to form Allicin, which has antibiotic properties and can offer some relief. 

A lot of sites tell you to put a piece of raw onion on the affected tooth, and this may give a slight bit of relief because onion also has antimicrobial properties.

This is good for cleaning the bacteria in your mouth and teeth.


This fruit is great for preventing tooth decay. Put a few drops of lime juice over the affected tooth for pain relief.

Although this thing is bitter and extremely pungent, it is actually quite effective at providing instant toothache relief.

Clove is great for treating tooth infection because of its anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacteria properties. It can also be used to treat sore throat. The proper way to use clove as a home remedy is to simply apply a few drops of clove oil over the affected tooth and gums.
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Lifestyle and home remedies for Edema

Decrease the amount of salt in your diet. Salt can contribute to water retention and should be drastically limited if you are experiencing edema.

Avoid alcohol, tobacco and caffeine as much as possible. These can inhibit the natural functions cells and organs, rendering them less effective.

Elevation. Hold the swollen part of your body above the level of your heart for at least 30 minutes three or four times a day.

Movement. Moving and using the muscles in the part of your body affected by edema may help pump the excess fluid back to your heart.

Compression. If one of your limbs is affected by edema, your doctor may recommend you wear compression stockings, sleeves or gloves.

Eat a whole fresh cucumber daily. Cucumber is thought to reduce water retention in the body, as well as eliminate toxins that can contribute to edema.
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